Create Your Own Chujin Tapes!
~While it should work, this is still a rather young project. Shoot me a DM on Twitter (@Toastworth_) or Discord (toastworth) if anything breaks!~
Normal text will appear in the tape just as it was written here.
A single line break will result in a line break, while two line breaks back to back marks a page break.
Pages will be shown one after another, in order.
Once you finish writing, click the "Create!" button to copy a link to your tape to the clipboard.
This link can be pasted anywhere, and when clicked, leads to a page showing your tape.
There are also some special directions that can be placed anywhere in the text to trigger some kind of action:
[Pause DURATION]: Pause for the specified time
(replace DURATION with the duration in seconds, e.g. [Pause 0.5] to pause half a second)
[Speed MULTIPLIER]: Set the talking speed multiplier
(replace MULTIPLIER with a number, e.g. [Speed 0.5] to make the character talk at half the default speed)
(does not affect manually placed pauses)
[Portrait NAME]: Change the character portrait
(replace NAME with the name of the portrait to show, e.g. [Portrait Misery] to make Chujin feel horrible, portrait list here)
(you can replace NAME with a direct link to any 179x142px image to use instead)
[Voice NAME]: Change the current character voice
(replace NAME with the name of the voice clip to use, e.g. [Voice Axis] to hear his OPINION ABOUT INTRUDERS, voice list here)
(you can replace NAME with a direct link to any audio file to use instead)
[Music Play], [Music Pause] and [Music Reset]: Change the playback state of the background music
[Music FILE]: Change the background music
(replace FILE with a direct link to any audio file to use)
(you can also replace it with Default to change it back to the default music track)
[Static On], [Static Off]: Turns the glitchy static overlay effects on or off
Addendum A: Character Portraits
- Normal
- Stressed
- Anxious
- Anxious Stressed
- Look Down Stressed
- No Hands
- Take Glasses
- Take Glasses Stressed
- Creepy
- Turn Left
- Turn Right
- Turn Right Finger Up
- Look Down
- Look Left
- Lower Head
- Lower Head Lower
- Misery
Addendum B: Character Voices
- Chujin
- Axis
- Ceroba
- Kanako
- Other (this just uses the default voice blip)